Statistics & Research about San Luis Obispo,CA - Stateone Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about San Luis Obispo,CA an area served by Stateone Insurance Agency

Phone : 805-547-1000

Car dealers nearby Stateone Insurance Agency

Coast Nissan

12150 Los Osos Valley Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
San Luis Obispo,CA
Phone: (805) 202-4754

Real estate research for area nearby Stateone Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
San Luis Obispo County 449,300 1197 3.2
Arroyo Grande 472,400 1235 3.1
Oceano 256,700 1017 4.8
Paso Robles 374,100 1098 3.5
San Luis Obispo 576,200 1220 2.5
Edna 1000001 NA NA
Callender 766,900 791 1.2
Morro Bay 521,400 1262 2.9
Cayucos 688,700 1123 2.0
Avilla Beach 556,500 986 2.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Stateone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
San Luis Obispo County 12596
Arroyo Grande 2818
Oceano 381
Paso Robles 1759
San Luis Obispo 3927
Callender 94
Morro Bay 987
Cayucos 279
Avilla Beach 153
El Paso de 848
Los Ranchos 36
Orcutt 337
Santa Maria 3276

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Stateone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
San Luis Obispo County 425100
Arroyo Grande 390400
Oceano 260600
Paso Robles 340900
San Luis Obispo 531700
Morro Bay 450800
El Paso de 398900
Los Ranchos 631400
Orcutt 319300
Santa Maria 281000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Stateone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
San Luis Obispo County 2771
Arroyo Grande 792
Oceano 39
Paso Robles 477
San Luis Obispo 940
Edna 37
Callender 29
Morro Bay 54
Cayucos 87
El Paso de 323
Los Ranchos 134
Orcutt 461
Santa Maria 1441

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Stateone Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
San Luis Obispo County 14507
Arroyo Grande 4914
Oceano 198
Paso Robles 3179
San Luis Obispo 2582
Edna 8
Callender 121
Morro Bay 466
Cayucos 238
Avilla Beach 29
El Paso de 1911
Los Ranchos 203
Orcutt 2993
Garden Farms 37
Santa Maria 7482