Statistics & Research about Oakhurst,CA - Kraft And Lee Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Oakhurst,CA an area served by Kraft And Lee Insurance Agency Inc

40027 HWY 49 STE C
Phone : 559-683-4411

Real estate research for area nearby Kraft And Lee Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Madera County 210,300 888 5.1
Yosemite Lakes 245,100 868 4.2
Coarsegold 191,900 873 5.5
Madera 183,000 886 5.8
Ahwahnee 271,300 1060 4.7
Bonadelle Ranchos-Madera Ranchos 277,100 1409 6.1
Bass Lake 287200 NA NA
Bootjack 193,800 957 5.9
Auberry 209,100 950 5.5
Nipinnawasee 160,900 937 7.0

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Kraft And Lee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Madera County 26034
Yosemite Lakes 3501
Coarsegold 467
Madera 14197
Ahwahnee 471
Bonadelle Ranchos-Madera Ranchos 1900
Bass Lake 638
Bootjack 254
Auberry 279
Nipinnawasee 200
Friant 110
Big Creek 94
El Portal 33
Yosemite Valley 320
Oakhurst-North Fork 4158

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Kraft And Lee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Madera County 8254
Yosemite Lakes 1020
Coarsegold 101
Madera 4651
Ahwahnee 227
Bonadelle Ranchos-Madera Ranchos 657
Bass Lake 61
Bootjack 43
Auberry 179
Big Creek 17
Yosemite Valley 86
Oakhurst-North Fork 986

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Kraft And Lee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Madera County 1447
Yosemite Lakes 124
Coarsegold 25
Madera 818
Ahwahnee 16
Bonadelle Ranchos-Madera Ranchos 94
Bass Lake 12
El Portal 22
Yosemite Valley 22
Oakhurst-North Fork 175

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Kraft And Lee Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Madera County 210500
Yosemite Lakes 289700
Coarsegold 160600
Madera 186600
Ahwahnee 274300
Bonadelle Ranchos-Madera Ranchos 294300
Bass Lake 278400
Bootjack 473800
Nipinnawasee 158300
Oakhurst-North Fork 259200